I have read many many threads in different forums, all said pretty much the same like the one below I found here on this forum:
First, install the latest version of python Windows x86-64 executable installer. Once downloaded, run it, make sure to check the Add to system path box and just click next until it completes.
Next install Build tools for Visual Studio
Now open the start menu type "cmd", in that type "pip3 install PyQt5 inkcut" and let it run.
Finally type "inkcut" and press enter to start inkcut
I have downloaded inkcut package from here: www.codelv.com/projects/inkcut/ which lead me to github here:
Latest release
@frmdstryr frmdstryr released this on Dec 8, 2020 ยท 2 commits to master since this release
Bugfix due to pyserial 3.5 release
Assets 2
Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)
Then I downloaded python and installed it, downloade Visual Studio with all.
Unlzipped the file Inkcut and added it to my extentions for inkscape, which is located in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions
I run twisted .....
then pip3 install pyqt5
Install instructions
System dependencies
Download and install python
Install dependencies
pip3 install pyqt5 after that pip3 install inkcut
then Inkcut and I only received failure after failure. it does not work. The path is not right. I tried to move the folder into local, that did not work.
I put the inx. files out of the folder into extentions. Nothing works.
How can I correctly install that program. Inkstich came already with inkscape and I can see that there are folders on different places. Which files go where ?? Do I have to distribute the files in the package to different places and if yes, which files where. I am not a developer, I am a creator using developers work :) Thankful for inkscape and inkstich.
The simple one provided everywhere does not work I am making some mistakes somewhere and I do not know where.
After 3 days trying and reading everything I could find online I am to give up. I work with Inkscape for the designs, but inkscape graphics do not work with the cutters software signmaster. I love working in inkscape and to create large decals inkcut would come handy since I am familiear with inkscape.
Thank you to all who can give me a step by step guide. Especially do I unzip the source folder first, do unzip into extention, or do I distribute files into different folders in differnt path.
One more question; is Inkcut a stand alone or an extention?